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Poker games history
Poker game has become widely spread as one of the world most popular card games played in best online casino, this is the game that is joining various kinds of people from all countries of the world, which is more it has become an official kind of sport, broadcasted to millions of houses all around the world. In our day one can find only few men, who have never heard about poker or online slot machines but there are some who really know how it originally emerged, plus the dominate theory of how poker originated from non-existence, however specialists are of the same mind that today’s poker evolved from various card games, in all of them there is a exact pecking order of hands and “bluffing” is quite an appropriate proficiency, which a person must have so as to trick the opponents and succeed.
A general belief states that the Chinese Monarch, Mu-Tsung, invented a game similar to poker in 970 A.D., records say that it was played with “domino cards”. Another theory says that Egyptians were playing this game in XII-XIII centuries. It was very much like poker in the hand placing, regrettably very little records of this game had survived to let historians know the the full story. Around 16th century a game called “Treasure Cards” or “Ganjifa” was widely spread throughout all of Persia, which is also one of poker’s forerunners, a more comparable Persian variant is “As Nas”, a game which used 25 cards and used hand positions and rounds for laying bets.
“Primero” is a Spanish game that evolved in the 16th Century, it is thought to be the “father” of modern poker and a remote relative of “Primo Visto” game, another popular card game. Each of them are mentioned in the book by John Taylor – “Taylor’s Motto” from 1621. Primero used three cards for playing and rounds of betting were also used, the basic part of the game in question was to deceive opponents by showing plain cards. Records of this game had been found both in Italy and Spain, and while Primero was played as early as in 1526, records of of Primo Visto appeared only in half a century, as a consequence showing the possibility that these two games were in reality the equivalent online casino game.
The game Primero became loved by both Germans and French in 17th and 18th centuries. French colonialists brought the game overseas in the New World it was named “Poque” then (“Pochen” in German). Poque was the national game of France in the middle of 18th century, and the French settlers that arrived at New Orleans are “responsible” for the first arrival of this game in the North America. From New Orleans the game spread up the Mississippi River and in the late 18th century the game was well-known throughout the State of Louisiana. Jonathan H. Green said some words about the “Cheating Game” in 1834 and it is considered to be the first mentioning of poker in fiction. Poker was played on the Mississippi river vessels, and it took the place of the three-card game, that many people played in Europe in that century, which was believed to be a “rigged” game. Green’s book was “An Exposure of the Arts and Miseries of Gambling”, the first formal novel about gambling to exist, it has a full evaluation of all the rules of the “Cheating Game”. See the full history of the game in casinos review.
Soon after 1875, the game became very popular through the fallow land. During the time of the Wild West there wasn’t a tavern or a bar that had no special tables for playing poker. It spread all over the US decade after decade, and by the middle of 20th century the game became an official kind of sport, recognized by all.
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