Progressive slots
Progressive slot machines offer jackpots that are larger than usual. In some cases these jackpots are large enough to be life changing.
Progressive machines are a group of many online slot machines linked together by a network. The big online progressive jackpot is made by taking a percentage of all the money played into the online slot. This means that the jackpot continues to grow as more people play the online progressive slot until somebody hits the winning combination for the top award. Because a percentage of the coins played form the progressive jackpot, the actual payout will be less on the other winning symbols and in some case the payout on the progressive slot machine will be less than other online slots in the online casino. This is true for the online slots that offer the life changing jackpots.
The Microgaming casinos offer different online progressive slots, with the big (maybe biggest) online progressive jackpots. All of these online slot machines have different features like number of winning combinations or scatter symbols.